Do you have a plan?

We hate to say it, but it’s time to start planning for a Fall cleanup. As Summer continues to fly by, both the weather and your yard will soon change drastically. Bright flowers and luscious greenery will soon change to falling leaves and dead foliage – but have no fear! Not only can you maintain a beautiful yard throughout the autumn season, but you can also take steps to ensure a healthier yard come Spring.

Here are some landscaping tips to make your life easier next year:

1. Keep up with raking!

Debris on your grass and plants prevents sunlight and vital nutrients from getting through to the soil. Additionally, wet leaves on your grass can cause harmful fungi to build up. Avoid both scenarios by raking weekly if possible.

2. Consider investing in aeration!

Aeration is the process by which professional machinery combats soil compaction and heat stress after a long, hot summer. Tools remove plugs of soil from the ground, creating openings in the soil to allow nutrients to pass through. You will thank yourself in the spring when your grass grows back healthier!

3. Fertilize!

That’s right, fertilizer isn’t just for the Spring when new life is starting to bloom. In fact, fertilizing in the Fall is going to sustain your soil and promote stronger, more luscious life post Winter. Fertilize soon after aerating your lawn to max out the benefits of both of these tips.

4. Control your weeds.

No one enjoys weeding. Save yourself the time and energy of weeding your entire property in the Spring by getting ahead of the game. Applying pesticides to your lawn will prevent both pests and weeds from harming your property any further.

5. Keep mowing!

Even when leaves start to fall, continue to mow your lawn after you rake. Keeping your grass at a normal height until the ground starts to frost over will sustain lawn health for next Spring.

Need assistance with these fall cleanup tasks? Reach out to our team of professionals – it’s what we do best!